
Juan's Advice

Here is a picture of Juan’s family crossing the boarder illegally into the United States from Mexico. 

Juan is not very smart but he has led an active life with many experiences.  He humbly offers his advice on the following important topics:


    • Work
    • Setting Goals
    • Life
    • Pooping


– Unless you are really rich you have to get a job to make money.  In selecting a job, forget about what you like.  That doesn’t matter.  Find the work that will pay the most that is the easiest.

– Bonus if you can get work that is physical.  That way you get paid to excercise.  

Setting Goals

– Juan does not recommend to set goals.  Why bother?  It is not worth it.  It is a lot of work to set the goals and usually to obtain the goal is out of your control.  What if you do not achieve the goal?  Does that mean you are a failure?  What do you do then?  And what if you achieve the goal?  What do you do next?

– Instead, Juan recommends to live your life and have fun.  It is ok to want something and try to get it.  If you want to buy a house, you have to save money.  That is ok but don’t set a goal to buy a house.  That difference is a little nuanced and if you understand you are much smarter than Juan.


-Life is hard.  Do what you can to stay happy.

-You are born and you will die.  When you are dead, no one will remember you after some time.   Do not worry about the big picture or what happens after you die.  Something will happen or maybe nothing will happen.  Either way you can’t control it so don’t bother.

– Be kind to others.  There is no reason to be cruel.  We are all together.  Have fun but do not interfere with other people having fun.


-Juan does not understand why it is taboo to discuss pooping.  Everyone does it and it can be the most enjoyable part of the day.

-For a good poop, what you eat is very important.  Eat some fiber but not too much.  This can be with vegetables or fruits or fiber supplements.  Experiment with what works for you.

-Where you poop is very important for a good experience.  Juan has found that a quiet, undisturbed, isolated toilet is best.  Search out the best place at your work or other buildings.

-Use a bidet to take the experience to the next level.  Juan does not understand why bidets are not used in the US.  Do you like scratching your butt hole with smelly paper and getting poop on your fingers?  Juan thinks we should start a movement to get more bidets in America.