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Today Juan is on vacation in Florida.  There are a lot of Chicanos in Florida so Juan is comfortable.


Juan had american tacos for dinner tonight.  He is becoming more like American every day!  


Juan is not a smart man and he really does not understand how gringos think sometimes.  Like why did gringos elect the Trump man?  He is strong American personality and was on a TV show, Juan understands that.  But he is rich and is trying to bring all the money to give to rich people.  Why do poor people vote for him?  He does not lower the price of eggs.  Juan paid over $7 for eggs.  He does not bring down the price of medicine.  He does nothing for the poor gringos and he tells a lot of lies.

But hey maybe the longer that Juan lives in the US he gets rich and then he gets the money that Trump gives to rich.  Juan will get so rich that he will bring his Chicano people up from Mexico.  There will be so many Mexicans in the US that we will make the USA a state of Mexico and call it North Mexico.  Better learn Spanish everyone!

Juan would really like it if you left a message for him on the contribute page- especially if you are hiding from the gringo ICE like Juan is!  Drop Juan a note and say hi!



Many have expressed concerns about Juan publicly talking about his immigration status and fear that ICE agents will take Juan away.  Juan is appreciative for your concerns.  Fear not.  Juan is not afraid.  Juan knows that the work he does will not be taken up by lazy white people.   That is not meant to be disrespectful, Juan wants to be a lazy brown person one day. 

Juan and his kind are a critical part of the US economy.  If Juan is sent back to Mexico, the economy will be in bad shape.  Juan and his brown friends do the work that white and black people do not want to do.  Who will build your homes?  Who will clean your pool or mow your grass?  Who will work at your meat packing plants?  Who will pick your cauliflower?

Juan is relaxing today and partaking in the American football holiday, the Superbowl.  Juan started drinking cervaza at noon and should be pretty lit up by game time!  Juan is rooting for Kansas City because it looks like there are more chicanos on that team.  Patrick Mahomes looks like he is chicano- is that the case?  Juan doesn’t know but if they deport Patrick it would be a shame.  Juan will get him a job in the agave field for sure.


Today is a Sunday.  Juan likes to take the day easy, watch American football, and dream about his time in old Mexico.