All about the life of Juan Pumphrey

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Early life
Juan was born on a small farm in Cuidad, Mexico. He is the son of a sharecropper. Juan’s family grew agave for the large Tequila producers. Juan had to work the fields since he could first walk. Work was hard- cultivating and harvesting the agave. The Tequila producers (big Tequila) did not pay a lot- barely enough for food. It was a simple life.
When Juan was of age, he met a young lady named Hora. He really liked Hora. She was beautiful and smelled good, plus was a good worker in the field. Juan asked Hora to be his wife. He said “Hey, baby- will you be my wife?”
Hora replied, “I suppose, I have nothing better going on”
Juan respected this and they wed. They soon had two children. Life was good.
Then the gangs appeared.
The gangs were bad, really bad. They made Juan give them some of the Agave. If Juan did not give the gangs Agave, they threatened Juan’s family. They said “Hey Juan, if you do not give us your agave, we will harm your family.”
The Agave that the gangs took made it impossible to sell enough to big Tequila to survive. Juan and his family had no choice. They had to cross the boarder into the United States.
To be fair, Cuidad Mexico is right on the boarder so it was not a long journey. Juan and his family walked across the boarder. Turns out they waled across during the Superbowl so no agents were out to catch them. Juan did not know of American Football but him and his family were very lucky.
Life in the US
Since being in the US, Juan and his family have been underground. They have avoided the boarder agency and ICE. Juan gets paid under the table for odd jobs. He is very good at puzzles so he offers to solve puzzles for people for a price. He does other work too to get by.
So far life in the US has been good. There are gangs in the US but they do not bother migrants. Everybody pretty much leaves Juan alone except for the followers of Mr. Trump. They say they will force Juan home, but only after he cleans their pool. Who will clean the pool if Juan leaves?